An introductory
In advocacy of civility and reason
Heya, being smart is knowing you’re not. Keep Living
Let’s not be stupid. Civility and Reason are qualities we should venerate.
“Stupid” is something we all experience in life. Its myriad manifestations all too easy to see in others, yet often difficult to see in ourselves.
Cognitive biases are at the core of “stupid”
We all have them, they are inevitable. But their effect on our interpretation of reality is a function of our awareness, or lack there of, of these biases.
It stands to reason that if a person can understand these biases they might mitigate the effect they have on their critical thinking.
Alternately, being oblivious to cognitive biases leaves a part of your ability to reason compromised.
When a persons ability to reason effectively is compromised, stupid happens.
We are all in this together. we all have a right to be here.
you don't have to be nice.
just be civil.
“Being smart is knowing you’re not.”
If you have INSTAGRAM you can find me @SUCKSSTUPID for what I am up to musically and otherwise. And hey, thank you for your curiosity. Be well.
i’m just josh
I have known adversity. I have lived stupid. It sucked.
Now I keep Living
And doing my best to find contentment and retain gratitude.
Cynicism is boring. And stupid. And above all, its lazy.